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New and Changed Spells

Skill Actions

These aren't really "Spells" per say, but Skill Actions adds new abilities to all characters based on their skill proficiencies. One of the very important skills added is using Perception to search for invisible enemies. Most Skill Actions are contained under a single button added to your hotbar and can be used in combat a limited number of times per Long Rest to get an edge over your enemy at the cost of your bonus action. The exception is using the Perception skill to look for invisible enemies - this is its own button, and can be used every turn. Several enemies in Listo have access to invisibility, so investing in Perception on multiple characters is a good idea (and once an invisible enemy is found, Faerie Fire, Dispel Magic, and other methods can be used to stop their shenanigans).

Rebalanced Spells

Valdacil's Spell Adjustments makes a number of critical changes to various vanilla BG3 spells. Namely:

  • Hex is now something you cast at the start of the day. It costs 1 slot to cast the first time - but once it is prepared, you will gain a new hex spell on your hotbar called "Hex Target." This is what you use to actually apply the hex to an enemy. The spell applies disadvantage on all ability checks (you don't pick one), otherwise it works as normal. Re-casting the spell to target new creatures costs a bonus action but not more spell slots. Cast Hex at the start of the day to prepare the spell, and then use Hex Target to actually hex enemies during encounters.
  • Hunter's Mark works the same way. Cast Hunter's Mark, then use Mark Target to apply the effect to targets.
  • Shield of Faith lasts until long rest and does not require Concentration.
  • Many spells can be upcasted to have multiple targets and will scale to 9th level.
  • Compelled Duel makes an enemy want to target you, but it also gives you advantage to hit them.
  • Divine Favor's bonus to damage scales with spell level.
  • Ray of Sickness and Ray of Enfeeblement chain to nearby targets, scales with upcasting.

Speak with Animals and Longstrider are AoE casts that last until long rest, dramatically decreasing the management necessary to prepare your adventuring party each morning. Shillelagh lasts until long rest and can be applied to a wider variety of weapons.

Illithid Powers are significantly revamped. If you choose to use the astral tadpole, Illithid Powers are very powerful in Act 3.

5e, Homebrew, Spells Extra, Pathfinder, Mystra Spells, and Veenab Spells

5e Spells adds a variety of tabletop spells missing from BG3. Valdacil's adjustment mod rebalances several of the spells based on the philosophy Larian applied with the spells they included in the game. So expect the spells you love from D&D but don't expect all of them to work exactly like they do in the book.

Homebrew Spells adds a small selection of additional 0th - 5th level spells. Similar to Valdacil, a rebalance mod is used to translate the spells better to BG3.

Spells Extra is used to cover any missing spells needed by Luma's various subclass mods.

Valdacil's Mystic Rebalance changes how some Mystic features/abilities/psionic foci/spells work compared to the mod page descriptions.

PF2e Spells has been patched for Listo. The patch removes something like 131 spells that don't fit 5e from the spell lists of each class, as well as the Action -> Bonus Action conversion and other idiosyncrasies caused by the difference in rule systems between DnD5e and Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Of the 50-something spells remaining, many have been rebalanced, the mechanics have been changed slightly, and/or the tooltips have been cleaned up where possible. Specifically, many of the cantrips added start at only 1d4 damage, but they improve slightly faster than 5e cantrips (gains an extra die at level 3 instead of waiting until level 5). Overall the damage is lower, but it adds a reliable spell attack cantrip for Clerics and it adds Phase Bolt, which is unto itself a weak cantrip in terms of dice but it can go around corners like Magic Missile, and applies a -1 AC debuff to targets. Other spells include many alternates to polymorph/shapeshifting, powerful AoEs specialized in combatting particular types of enemies, new summons, buffs for allies and debuffs for enemies, and all variety of new attacks. Beware your enemies have access to many of these new spells as well! A list of PF2e spells included or removed for Listo can be reviewed here, however note that the documentation is incomplete and the redistribution of the spell lists (as in which classes learn which spells) is an in-process project.

Mystra's Spells from is used in Listo. Specifically, a limited selection of the spells that do not already exist in 5e spells.

Veenab's Spells is in Listo. This primarily adds several spells to Warlocks themed invoking more Great Old Ones, but that is not all that is added.

New and Changed Feats

In Listonomicon, all classes earn a feat at a rate of one per 3 levels. Fighters and Rogues earn an additional feat at level 11. So all classes get a feat at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18; Fighters and Rogues get a feat at 3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 15, and 18.

The Arcanist Feat allows you to gain +1 INT, gain expertise in Arcana, and learn any level 1 spell which can be casted once per short rest. Consider how various level 1 spells (such as Shield of Faith) have been rebalanced. That's basically a free +2 AC for anyone who would not otherwise have access to the spell, such as an Eldritch Knight. Clerics or Monks may want to use it for access to Shillelagh.

The Improved Poison Equipment mod adds a Poison version of the Elemental Adept feat. If you stack two sources of the ability (such as taking the feat while wearing The Poisoner's Robe), enemy poison immunity will be downgraded to poison resistance. A Green Dragonborn Circle of Spores Druid who takes the feat and wears the Poisoner's Robe would get the benefits of the feat (reroll 1's, ignore resistance) for their breath weapon, spore attack, and poison damage spells.

Essential Feats adds a great variety of feats. For multiclass melee-caster builds, War Magic allows you to combine casting with weapon swinging. Specifically, after casting a spell or cantrip you can make 1 attack as a bonus action. This is different from, and does not stack with, Eldritch Knight's similar feature that allows cantrips to be used with multiattack. This is especially great for Clerics who otherwise do not get access to extra attack or war priest extra attack, as you can combine a cast and a swing every turn. Deadly Alacrity reduces the number needed to roll a crit (stacks with any/other crit chance increase effects) and restores mobility for hits and kills, though Listo removes the +1 stat bonus. Alchemist turns anyone into a potion throwing utility character and makes it possible to brew 2 potions instead of 1. Various Initiate, Touched, and Adept feats give limited access to the features of other classes such as a fighting maneuvers, eldritch invocations, or metamagic. Using these feats is an alternative to Arcanist, and the user gains 2 cantrips and 1 spell of 1st level. A great use of these feats is to get Shillelagh as a non-Nature Cleric or Monk, without needing to dip into Druid. A Sorcerer or Bard could pick up eldritch blast, another Warlock cantrip, and mage armor.

Vanilla feats are heavily altered by the hard work of Cahoot, who helped Ajax implement many ideas, improve on other Nexus mods, or straight up designed his own improvements. You can read about them here. These rebalances include altering Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter. You effectively sacrifice getting a proficiency bonus on your attack roll, to instead get a proficiency bonus on your damage roll. Other important changes include Tough (which comes with +1 CON) and Durable (which comes with a proficiency bonus scaling damage resistance). A Durable + Mageslayer Cleric, Paladin, Barbarian, or Fighter is very formidable and can form an essential anchor and tank for your team! Tavern Brawler is significantly less powerful. Dual Wielder is altered by Dual Wielding Master. You can make a normal attack with two weapons using your action and bonus action, or you can toggle swinging both weapons with a single action. If using both weapons in a single action, you receive a -3 penalty to attack rolls, but this allows you to combine multiattack with dual wielding and compete with the relative power of Great Weapon Master, or using a dueling fighting style and shield.

Enweaved adds a way to get +2 in INT, WIS, or CHA - but be warned, it comes with wild magic and wild magic allergy! This can help a caster reach 22 in their casting stat (and get to 24 with Hag's Hair + the relevant Tome) but it will make casting spells, and being around spellcasting, a dangerous gambit.

Experimental Alchemy as a Feat provides another way to get access to Experimental Alchemy, which potentially causes two potions to be brewed instead of one when using alchemy. Note that multiple ExpAlch sources do not stack (eg Wizard + Artificer + this feat would still only produce 2 potions).

Drunken Master allows players to treat alcohol as emergency health potions and buffs, increasing unarmed damage.

Dirty Fighting grants players a bonus action attack that, if successful, will knock an opponent "Off Balance" - granting advantage for melee attacks. This is a great choice for sword-and-shield Fighters who otherwise may not use their bonus action very often, as well as melee Rogues who want a reliable setup for Sneak Attack. Beware, enemy Fighters and Rogues will be using this when you reach Baldur's Gate!

New and Changed Classes and Subclasses

It's going to take a while to write up what each these changes does to the game.

General Changes and Additions

Expansion Level 13-20

Adds level scaling up to level 20. Also implements several changes/optional rules introduced with Tasha's Cauldron of Everything and other publications.

Smart Cunning Action

Changes the Rogue (Thief) double bonus action to instead be a toggle ability allowing rogues to choose to use their action or bonus action for cunning actions. Also grants this benefit to Monks, and Gloomstalker Rangers.

Wild Magic

These mods affect wild magic sorcerers, wild magic barbarians, and/or other situations where the wild magic effects table is rolled such as certain wild magic enemies, enemies with Controlled Chaos, or having the Enweaved feat. Sorcerers and creatures with wild magic should only accrue surge risk during combat, meaning out-of-combat uses of spells like Healing Word or Longstrider or Feather Fall will not increase the surge risk. In combat, the risk increases by 5% per spell casted until a surge is triggered. For player Sorcerers, you can avoid starting the wild magic risk slide by avoiding using Tides of Chaos, but that would be boring. Wild magic surges will restore Tides of Chaos, allowing you to keep it going multiple times throughout an adventuring day. Wild Magic Sorcerers in Listonomicon are a whacky risk-reward gameplay experience.

If Volo dies for any reason, the Weave will begin unraveling and all magic becomes wild magic.


Dynamic Wildheart Barbarian changes Wildheart Barbarians (aka "Totem") to be able to change which animal aspect is called upon when raging, which makes the subclass easier to adapt to different situations. Bear remains the most immediately powerful option (try combining the Durable feat with a Bear rage and Mageslayer, and laugh as enemies struggle to damage you!) but you can experiment more with situations where the other totems might be useful.

5e Reckless Attack Toggle changes the Reckless Attack feature from a reaction, to a toggled status.

New subclasses:

  • Path of the Zealot - Your fervor inspires you to fight beyond death, and even if you die, your allies can revivify you for free. Your rage adds radiant or necrotic damage to your attacks.
  • Path of the Ancestral Guardian - You channel the spirits of your clan, bloodline, or faith. When you rage, spectral warriors swarm around you to slay your foes and harass anyone who tries to target your allies.
  • Path of the Storm Herald - Your rage is that of thunderstorms, sandstorms, blizzards, and worse. When you rage, you surround yourself with elemental damage.
  • Path of the Giant - Your rage allows you to fight like a creature twice your size. As your Barbarian level increases, your rages become bigger and their bonuses to your strength, attacks, thrown weapons, and shoves increases with it. You can add elemental damage to your weapons.


  • College of Creation - Creation Bards are able to spawn pillars that help allies or hinder enemies, and focus on the caster and support aspects of Bard.
  • College of Eloquence
  • College of Dance - Dance Bards enjoy a hybrid playstyle that is part healer/support caster, and part Monk.


Blessing of the Trickster is buffed to apply to more skills, and can be activated during dialogue similar to the Guidance spell. Trickery Clerics are a little less bad.

  • Zeal Domain - Zeal Clerics have similar benefits to Tempest Clerics, but use their Channel Divinity to maximize the damage of thunder and fire spells.
  • Strength Domain
  • Ambition Domain
  • Solidarity Domain
  • Order Domain
  • Inquisition Domain - Inquisition Clerics focus on being frontline melee combatants specialized in shutting down enemy spellcasters. Their class features include similar benefits to the Mageslayer feat, they deal extra damage to enemies concentrating on spells, and they can apply protective boons to their companions to resist enemy spells.
  • Poverty Domain


Druid Quality of Life is a QoL mod (duh) that changes many spells, effects, and magic items to interact with wildshape among other fixes.

Circle of the Spores Druid Damage Choice gives Spore druids the choice of dealing extra necrotic, acid, or poison damage with their class abilities, reducing how much this class suffers in Act 2 and creating new paths for synergy. Combined with Spore Druid Extra Attack and the improved Shillelagh spell, Spore Druids are a very respectable frontline melee combat/utility cast/healer and a good choice for players who want to play a Druid but do not want to use Wildshape.

Druids always have Speak With Animals prepared. They gain find familiar and flock of familiar at the appropriate levels. The Goodberry spell is buffed. Shilelagh is more powerful, is a permanent effect, and applies to a wider variety of weapons. Animal summons are improved. While Druids may not have many subclasses added, they are significantly better in Listo.


Eldritch Knight weapon bonds are permanent, similar to Warlock Pact of the Blade weapon bonds. You no longer need to remember to redo your bond every morning.

New Subclasses:

  • Banneret (Purple Dragon Knight) - The Banneret is focused on being a battlefield commander. Their abilities include directing their allies to make extra attacks and improving the potential of other melee allies around them.
  • Arcane Archer - The Arcane Archer uses Intelligence to imbue their ranged attacks with magical effects. These can increase damage, temporarily banish targets, bind foes, and other abilities.
  • Rune Knight (with Inscribe Once QoL optional file) - The Rune Knight uses the power of magic runes to improve their potential. Their options and number of benefits increase with their level. They choose a number of runes to inscribe, which come with benefits in and out of combat such as advantage on certain skills, or triggers to deal extra damage. They can also make themselves (temporarily) bigger.
  • Samurai - Samurai are focused on being relentless combatants. They have a limited number of charges per day to grant themselves advantage on all attacks for a turn, plus temporary HP. They can forego advantage to make additional attacks, having the highest potential attacks-per-turn of any fighter.
  • Cavalier - While mounts, and therefore mounted combat, does not exist in BG3, the Cavalier is able to fight with the spirit of a knightly heavy cavalry. The Cavalier has boosts to their speed and attacks that allow them to charge across great distances to smack foes. They can also inspire greater mobility among teammates.
  • Echo Knight (with RAW Progression optional file) - Echno Knight is a weird class. You make a shadowy copy of yourself, and can attack using your own body or using your doppleganger.
  • Psi Warrior - like the Eldritch Knight and Arcane Archer, the Psi Warrior uses Intelligence as a hybrid combat caster. The Psi Warrior focuses on empowering their attacks with extra psychic damage and psi abilities.
  • Guardian - the Guardian is a Fighter subclass focused on being a tank, drawing aggro, and protecting your allies.


Monk 5e Adjustments makes key QoL changes to various aspects of monks, such as supporting unarmed strikes even while you have a weapon in your hands.

New Subclasses:

  • Way of the Long Death - These monks empower their ki-attacks with extra necrotic damage.
  • Way of the Astral Self
  • Way of the Sun Soul
  • Way of the Ascendant Dragon
  • Way of the Kensei - The Kensei is a Monk focused on the expert use of melee weapons and bows, and can use their ki to empower traditional Monk weapons as well as unusual choices like longswords.
  • Way of the Drunken Master - The Drunken Master offers a combination of defensive and offensive abilities to the Monk, using the faux appearance of intoxication to mask their agility and deft strikes.
  • Way of Mercy


Start with Othbreaker Unlocked allows players to begin the game as an Oathbreaker. Note that this will block respec'ing until/unless the character atones with the Oathbreaker Knight, even if your plan is to continue being an Oathbreaker. This is a BG3 limitation. Unholy Oathbreakers adds a necrotic version of Smite for Oathbreakers. All Paladins should have their passive aura buff range extended to 9m/30 feet instead of the abysmal 3m/9 feet of vanilla.

New Subclasses:

  • Oath of Redemption - Redemption Paladins seek to defeat Evil through abjuration rather than destruction. They would prefer to show Ketheric the error of his ways than the sharpness of a sword. They would rather get Lord Soth to repent than be defeated in combat. Their powers protect and heal allies, punish enemies for attacking, and can reduce enemy damage.
  • Oath of Zeal - Zeal Paladins use their fervor to increase their own speed as well as to inspire allies.
  • Oath of Conquest - Conquest Paladins focus on overwhelming their enemies and crushing their spirit. They use fear and terror, and react to missed attacks with furious retribution.


Displacer Beast as a Ranger Companion adds displacer beast as a ranger companion option.

New Subclasses:

  • Swarmkeeper
  • Monster Slayer
  • Horizon Walker
  • Fey Wanderer


Second-Story Work Dexterity Jump changes the benefit of Second-Story Work to allow your jump to scale based on your Dexterity, instead of Strength.


Tides of Chaos Recharge changes ToC to reset after a wild magic surge is caused, allowing you to use it multiple times per long rest (and risk multiple surges throughout the day as a result). Metamagic Extended implements more metamagic options from the tabletop game. The metamagic to change the damage type of your spell requires activating the metamagic, and then selecting an element out of the new pop-up options. Expand the section of your hotbar that has metamagic in it to see the new options. Draconic bloodline sorcerers have significantly more options now.

New Subclasses:

  • Aberrant Mind - These Sorcerers overlap with GOO Warlocks in many ways. They cause fear on spell attack crits, and at higher levels can use their sorcery points to cast a number of great Warlock spells.
  • Shadow Sorcery - Shadow Sorcerers are immune to the Shadowcurse, can see in magical darkness, and can use their sorcery points for necromancy spells.
  • Favored Soul - Favored Souls are a hybrid Cleric-Sorcerer. They pick a Cleric domain and gain a number of bonus spells from that domain, and are the only sorcerers with access to healing spells.


Invocations Expanded adds more invocation options from the published books.

New Subclasses:

  • The Undead - The Undead is able to adopt the visage of their undead patron (such as a vampire or mummy) for temporary HP and limited powers.
  • The Celestial - The Celestial is a Warlock with access to healing spells, and charges that can be spent on a unique healing ability.


  • Hierophant - Hierophants are Wizards with limited imitation of Cleric abilities, including healing spells and the ability to shelter those they heal from further harm.
  • Bladesinger - Bladesingers are melee wizards who combine casting with swords.
  • Hexcraft - Hex Wizards are pseudo-Warlocks. They learn less Wizard spells over their career, but fill the gap by being able to learn Warlock spells and Warlock invocations.

Brand New Classes

New and Changed Equipment

Magic Items, Economy, and Upgrading

  • Listonomicon incorporates mods that change, rebalance, or improve many vanilla magic items. Many magic items locked to good or evil playthroughs have been redistributed, providing alternate sources or opportunities to get valuable items that might otherwise be missed. An almost-completely-randomized distribution of magic items can be enabled via Random Equipment Loot (look in the optional mods notes).
  • Listonomicon has an attunement and magic item rarity limit, allowing you to equip many but not every piece of magic gear you acquire.
  • Furthermore, Phalar Aluve has its own upgrade path. There is a music box hidden in Act 2 and Act 3. You can find the location on the mod’s Nexus page, but it is intended to be a hidden/secret reward! The Titanstring Bow has received multiple variations, which can be found hidden around the game. Foe Bane, available at end of the Grove Storyline, can also be improved if you hold on to it until Act 3.
  • Finally, the list is also full of new magic items. Some items exist as static loot, intentionally placed somewhere in the world; added to a specific chest or quest reward; or will be found on the bodies of bosses.
  • Overall, you should feel encouraged to change your equipment more frequently than the vanilla game, with fewer “best in slot” choices and with fewer magic items that feel like nothing but Gale food.
  • Elixirs have been changed, according to Elixirs Revised. Please read the mod page and pay closer attention to the description of elixirs in-game, as many of them now stack or work differently. Elixirs of X Giant's Strength have been changed into +STR items, rather than potions that set your Strength to a specific number. This means that characters cannot dump STR, pop a potion, and be fine. It also means that high-Strength characters can still benefit from drinking these elixirs.
  • The overall economy and raw acquisition of gold in Listo is intentionally made harder. Between Poor Adventurer and the custom difficulty settings, gold is both slower to accumulate and traders have worse prices when buying or selling. Keep in mind that in Listo you are expected to find significantly more magic items during your adventure, and selling anything you don't use will still allow you to afford shiny goodies.
  • You will want to save up your pennies so that when you reach Act 3, you can afford the ship manifest that allows you to embark on the Spelljammer adventure arc. The deed for a ship (sold by Popper in the circus) is very expensive, but the reward for the quest line is having a floating artillery platform overhead for the rest of Act 3.

Inventory Management & QoL

  • WiFi Potions” changes the way healing potions are managed. You no longer need to worry about splitting stacks and distributing them throughout your team. You should have a single “WiFi Potion” for each healing potion type to place on your hotbar, which will access a corresponding potion from anywhere in your party. Just like magic keys from another character’s pocket!
  • Food will be automatically sent to your camp chest when looted or purchased. You can configure this mod with MCM (hit ";") to send, or not to send, alcohol and valuable food to your camp chest.

Shopping, Merchants, Withers

Withers is now a merchant! Press the trade button at the bottom-left when talking to him. Dyes and camp clothes have been moved off of normal vendors and to Withers, reducing the ridiculous amount of clutter otherwise on each merchant. Withers will also sell food. He has 50,000 gold that resets each time you speak to him, making him the most convenient place to dump your trash pile. He cannot be pickpocketed.

Bows and Crossbows vs Guns

Artificer and the Firearms mod add muskets, flintlocks, blunderbus, pepperboxes, and similar weapons to the game. They are balanced differently from bows and crossbows. Firearms use the "Slings" proficiency which can be earned by playing an Artificer, playing a Half-Scro (a Half-Orc subrace), or by taking the Gunner feat. Firearms have to be reloaded with a bonus action after being fired. Firearms are more powerful than bows or crossbows and can be a good choice for characters who lack multiattack (such as Rogues). Bows and crossbows, however, do not need to be reloaded and therefore can benefit from multiattack and enable multiple attacks per turn. The exception to this balancing is Artificers, who can use the Repeating Shot infusion to remove the ammo restriction and turn their musket, flintlock, etc into a double-firing force damage weapon.

For high-strength, high-dexterity characters with multiattack, the Titanstring Bow remains the most powerful ranged weapon in terms of damage. The Devilstring Bow (can be acquired somewhere in Grymforge) is like the Titanstring, but for high Dex/high Wisdom characters (like Kensai monks). The Sussurstsring Bow (can be found somewhere you would expect the sussur-obsessed to be) is a Dex/Int bow, great for an Eldritch Knight, Artificer, Mystic, etc. For high-dexterity characters with multiattack, crossbows will generally remain the strongest. For characters who lack multiattack, dual wielding hand crossbows or using firearms is likely to be the best choice.

The Hand, and Eye, of Vecna

Consider these legendary artifacts the evil inverse of the Blood of Lathander. They offer great and tempting power to any who can acquire them, and become even more powerful when both are combined by a single owner. However they come with great risks, as Vecna exudes influence through these unliving links and the gods themselves look down on any mortal fool with the hubris to attempt wielding such profane power.