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Potential spoilers for gameplay and quests below.

Mojave Express Courier Delivery Work - Primm

Adds a repeatable Courier Delivery Service quest to Primm, with time limits, random encounters, toll booths and more!

Link to Nexus page


  • 20 possible random locations to be sent to
  • 4 different time limits
  • Fast Travel is disabled when delivering: This isn't a 5 second job! You can enable fast travel by renting a caravan.
  • About a dozen Random Ambush Encounters
  • 2 Random Special Encounters
  • 5 NCR Toll Booth locations around spots with major traffic, just like Cass mentions
  • Trust system: If you're late, lose your package or refuse orders, you might lose your job!
  • Mercenary System: Pay your debt, or you'll be hawked by mercenaries!
  • Random reward and package value: Think it would be more worth it to sell it off than to complete the delivery?
  • Package Delivery Challenge
  • And more!

Location(s): Primm


Caravan Guard

This mod allows you to become a Caravan Guard. And if you are not into fighting... Well somebody has to clean brahmin excrement.

Link to Nexus page


Adds a new caravan company located near NCR Sharecropper Farms, just go there and ask for a job. If you pass the skill check you'll become a caravan guard.

This maybe isn't a great adventure, but a repeatable job with decent payment. How much? Well. it depends... dead brahmin=smaller payment. As a more experienced guard you'll get paid well and get an unique caravan shotgun.

Fully voiced, lip-synced and navmeshed

Caravan routes:

Grizzly Caravans -> 188 Trading Post -> Novac -> Mojave Outpost

Mojave Outpost -> Novac -> 188 Trading Post -> Grizzly Caravans

Grizzly Caravans -> Sloan -> Mojave Outpost

Mojave Outpost -> Sloan -> Grizzly Caravans

You don't have to guard the caravan's whole route. You get paid on every stop and you can resign whenever you want!

Location(s): NCR Sharecropper Farms
