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1.) I am trying to give Scribe Yearning Prewar Books, but they are all replaced with titled books.

Find the books in the AID section of your inventory, then hold left shift + left click on them. This should automatically convert the book to a Prewar book.

2.) Where is MCM?

Hit M after pausing the game.

3.) Can I change the HUD color?

While not advised for continuity reasons, you may do so by pressing N after pausing the game.

This may revert back after each restart. To permanently change the colors you may have to change them in the Capital Punishment/Stock Game/Mods/Capital Punishment Resources/MAPMO.ini

4.) TTW? MO2? NVSE?? What are all these acronyms?

To save time and space, we sometimes use acronyms for words we're going to repeat a lot. Here is a non-exhaustive list of words.

  • TTW - Tale of Two Wastelands, the main mod this pack is built around. It combines Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas into one complete and seamless game!

  • WJ - Wabbajack, the tool we use to automate the installation

  • FONV, NV, FO3 - Fallout New Vegas, New Vegas, Fallout 3. These are the games you need for the modpack

  • NVSE - New Vegas Script Extender, script extentsion mod used by mods mod authors for functionality purposes

  • MO2 - Mod Organizer 2, the mod manager we use.